Julie McKnight isn't the type to give up, but for STREETS, she made an exception.


When Julie left her job as an elementary school teacher she started looking for a new way to give back to kids in Memphis, then a friend told her about STREETS. 

"My friend was volunteering in the mentoring program and spoke highly of everything STREETS offered," Julie said. "After a couple emails, an interview, and a meet-and-greet with an ecstatic 8th grader, I was in! That was two years ago and we're still going strong." 


Her dedication to her mentee gave her the idea of giving up...


Specifically, giving up one CycleBar spin class at the studio where she teaches. That is how Julie rallied nearly 50 cyclists and raised $1,000 in just 50 minutes. 

"Spinning for STREETS combined two things I am very passionate about, working out and STREETS," Julie said. "Supporting this ministry is one of the most practical ways to support the community of Memphis. Their hands-on approach reaches students on all levels, academics, relationships with peers, and future career goals, all while teaching students to be deeply rooted in their faith in God."